Education, Quality Improvement and Professional Development for
early care and education programs
Five Year Summary

This output represents the number of new people (unduplicated) and re-occuring participants (duplicated) people who have attended community learning events. This chart also shows how many facilities had at least one person present at community learning events.

Community Learning/Professional Development
The goal of EQuIPD's Professional Development Opportunities is to provide quality, expert-level professional development for Guilford County Early Care and Education Professionals based on current research, trends, and widely held beliefs regarding best practices for educating young children. Professional Development sessions are interactive and balance information shared through lecture with small and large group discussions and activities based on the best methods for adult learning. There is no fee for EQuIPD professional development opportunities to allow any ECE professional to attend without cost as a barrier. To enhance accessibility of professional development opportunities, sessions are held in various locations across the county including venues such as libraries, commnunity colleges an churches located in convenient areas and typically near public transportation.

Designs for Living and Learning Community Learning Day (2015)
Success Story!

"It was great seeing you today! I'm really excited and enthusiastic to begin this journey. I had no idea there was such an awesome, strong support system in place for preschool teachers, and I feel grateful to have found a group of educators with such similar values to my own. I'm so looking forward to meeting with you on December 2nd to hear your feedback and your advice! None o your words will fall on deaf ears... I'm so new to the profession I just feel like a sponge ready to absorb all of the wealth of knowledge coming in from all directions. I imagine more established teachers might have trouble implementing new ideas because they have to change mindsets and break out of established routines and ideas. But I don't have any of that. I'm a big lump of blank clay, and I feel so lucky to have so many skillful hands tomold me into the best teacher I can become. Have a wonderful holdiay, and I will see you soon!
- Robin Lewis at PGP
The Community Learning domain offers coordinated professional development opportunities with various projects and activities such as Ready for School/ Ready for Life, Bringing Out the Best (BoB), Guilford Early Learning Collaborative, local colleges/universities, Head Start, Early Head Start, and many more.
Please click on the Guilford Early Learning Collaborative to learn more about this annual conference!

The Community Learning domain offers high quality trainings with national level guest lecturers/leaders in the field, the latest research and trends, addresses important issues in the field (compensation, equity, childhood inactivity) as well as hands-on-sessions with active participation. Family Child Care providers and classroom teachers are encouraged to demonstrate their leadership skills by taking a prominent role in professional development sessions.

Dr. Robin Coger, Dean of the College of Engineering leads an oath for early childhood teachers (pictured below)
Please click on the image above to watch and listen to the Educator's Pledge!