Education, Quality Improvement and Professional Development for
early care and education programs
Five Year Summary
The pie chart above displays the number of proteges, mentors, and coaches that ASCEND has served over the last five years.
The ideal cohort includes: 10 mentors, 10 proteges , and 3 coaches. Each cohort will span over the course of anywhere from 5-21 months.
ASCEND aims to obtain cohorts of a maximum of 23 participants in three different roles, but this may vary based on funding.

Data from the chart to the above shows the majority of contacts made between mentors and proteges occur after 1pm during the day.
There is an astounding percentage of contacts made by phone (71.4%), which lessens the amount of in person, on site contacts. The other 19.6% of contacts are in person but off site away from the program.
The ideal environment for mentor and proteges to meet would be at their prospective centers where a consistent substitute could cover their classroom while the mentor and protege meet.
Content discussed during these contacts include:
Relationship building
Protege Goal Identification-Non-Work
Related/Personal Matters - ASCEND Reminders
Support provided by Mentors:
Consistent check-ins with proteges
Answering questions
Following up on goals and providing support
Brainstorming ideas for final presentation
Providing resources

Mentoring is described as a relationship-based process between colleagues in similar professional roles, facilitated by a more experienced individual with knowledge of adult learning strategies and skills.
The goal of the ASCEND Peer Mentoring Leadership Cohort (PLMC) is to create a better understanding of early childhood best practices and support teachers through the development of their leadership skills.
100% of protege teachers in ASCEND met their goals from 2017-2019.
100% of the mentors in ASCEND remained at their site in 2019 compared to 95% in 2017.
100% of the protege teachers or mentors reported improved knowledge from 2017-2019.
Ascend Peer Mentoring Highlights of Outcomes

We understand the amount of time needed for proteges and mentors to build supportive relationships to influence change not only as a teacher but also in their prospective classrooms and centers. In order to encourage and support these relationships, substitute teachers are necessary for proteges and mentors to have in-person onsite meetings, childcare during professional development sessions, and stipends to ensure participants are recognized for their willingness and commitment to go through this process.
-Brooke, PLMC Coordinator

ASCEND provides a minimum of 3 in -person opportunities since 2017-2018 there were only 3. The professional development opportunities are in relation to prescribed cohort focus areas, leadership, mentoring and professional growth in the early childhood field.
Interested participants also have opportunities to lead on boards, which are additional leadership opportunities within Guilford County, and professional development workshops. Proteges and mentors also receive the opportunity to attend Advancing Skills and Knowledge (ASK) and Guilford Early Learning Collaborative are conferences yearly. ASK is sponsored by the Childcare Serices Association in Durham and GELC events are sponsored by the Guilford Early Learning Collaborative.

Ascend Peer Mentoring Highlights of Outputs

32 childcare programs have participated in the ASCEND

Mentors reported 199 contacts with proteges

692 contacts between cohort participants and the ASCEND Coordinator

19 ASCEND participants have returned to participate in a later cohort