Education, Quality Improvement and Professional Development for
early care and education programs
Five Year Summary
Early childhood professionals are encouraged to set three goals for a twelve month period. If teachers are currently in school or have a clear plan to start school, they are only advised to select two goals for their professional development plan.
Guilford County is in need of improving the number of programs that meet the goals set by Smart Start in regards to teacher education. Professional Development plans aid in this need by outlining the educational and professional goals of teachers and family child care providers.
Educational Attainment Domain
The Educational Attainment domain strives to improve programs by assisting teachers and family child care providers in increasing their knowledge and education. Professional development plans assist in this effort by outlining standards set by individual programs and the educational aspirations of early childhood professionals. These plans not only benefit professionals of early childhood but the program in which they serve. Professional development plans designed with EQuIPD staff for the early care and education workforce specifically aims at increasing teacher education points within the star rated license system. Those points represent the educational level and early childhood experience of staff which ultimately impacts the star rating of the program.

Reflection from Angie (EQuIPD Project Director)
"I enjoy taking time to meet with each early childhood professional and really hearing what their goals are and figuring out how I can help them with those goals. Folks are really appreciative and often the meeting with me becomes a counseling session to get deeper into what their goals really are. I remember meeting with a preschool teacher and after much conversation and some tears, she said that she wanted to be a mortician but couldn't afford the schooling involved and she had bills to pay now. Although I couldn't help her to get to that particular goal, I helped her in allowing her to be honest and to have someone to listen that is not connected to the workplace. I enjoy the challenge of working with early childhood professionals that have been teaching for 10 plus years and working with them about what do they want to learn more about and also helping them to figure out what they can share with newer professionals."
"Some years, we have funding to provide early childhood professionals with a small gift card if they have been enrolled in courses towards a degree. Although the gift card is small, folks react like it's a lot because it is a small token to acknowledge their hard work towards a really big goal. It would be great to have more funding to provide a larger reward for early childhood professionals that are enrolled in courses towards their degree."
- Angie, Project Director

This output represents the educational attainment outcomes for facilities who have at least one person whose engaging in professional development learning, ECE professionals who complete a professional development plan, and professionals who enroll in credit base courses.